Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy Baby!

My mother’s birthday was about a month ago.  I failed to put her gift in the mail on time, but I knew I’d be seeing her for Christmas, so I just opted to give it to her late.

I was so prepared when it came to wrapping Christmas gifts this year I totally forgot about wrapping her birthday gift until the very last second.  When I dropped in to our local has-everything superstore, I picked up a gift bag.  It was white and had the letters from BIRTHDAY written on the exterior.

When I wrote the to-from bit on the label, I realized that the only letters from birthday that were actually on the bag were B, A and Y.  And that the label said “sweet baby.” 

My mother wanted to know what I was trying to say.  Did I have big news for her birthday?

I think the big news is that I’m definitely not ready for a baby if I can’t read the difference between BABY and BIRTHDAY on a white bag in a brightly-lit discount department store.  My mother agrees.